Kamis, 22 Februari 2018

Philippines and Indonesia : Comparison of Lesson plan

English curriculum has been awhile implemented in Indonesia. As the outcome and the process are not satisfying yet. Recently there was couple times that the curriculum in Indonesia changed. And honestly it make confusion among the people who involved in education area.
Joining the seameo program on students teacher exchange give me a lot of opportunities to study about the education system in the other country. It is incredibly experience that I can learn and teach in different country; Philippines. I would like to compare one of element in curriculum; the lesson plan. As you know that Philippines as nation whose people master better English than Indonesia, though the English position as second language instead of foreign language like in Indonesia.
The similarities were found on goal formation, approaches, and expected teaching process. The differences were spotted on great design lesson plan, the organization of teaching process, materials and evaluation. Both of lesson plans have similar strength in their flexibility.
Finally here are my lessons plan that I used in Philippine and Indonesia.

The Lesson plan that I used in NDMU-IBED high school Philippines.

The Lesson plan that I used in SMPN 17 Banjarmasin, Indonesia.

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